How to Keep Your Children Safe Online (Part 3)

Teaching your kids how to be responsible on the Internet is a very important and continuous process. Apart from monitoring their online activities, they should also know the severity of their actions both online and offline. Here is Part 3 on how to keep your children’s safety online:

    7. Teach your children how to keep their location private – There are geo-tagging features in most apps that your kids use, so it is important to teach them that this feature could be dangerous and should be turned off at all times. Leaving their location on could lead to danger, so they should protect their current location with privacy settings.

    8. Put time limits to their online activities – According to Australian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines, it is recommended that children aged between 5 and 17 should have no more than two hours of screen time every day. Monitoring your kids online time is important, especially for younger children so they do not develop bad online habits. Agree with your kids a specific period of time they are allowed online and ensure they stick to this. Switch off the home WiFi before bedtime, to ensure they get enough sleep and to keep them from browsing the Web late at night.

    9. Be #Trendy on #SocialMedia – Keeping up with social media is a must, especially to kids. You need to at least have basic knowledge of social media and the different varieties your kids use. Sign up to social networks and apps that they might be using and find out how to use the privacy settings and how to report issues. You should also open the conversation on how they can stay safe on all social media platforms, and how online bullying should not be tolerated. Always remember to teach your kids that they should report inappropriate and/or offensive posts; how to block someone; and how to keep their personal information private.

    10. Be a good example – As it is in real life, you should set a good example to your children on what good online behaviour should institute. If they see you being careful of what you post, and how you limit your time online, they will most likely follow what example you have set.

Always remember that a proper conversation with your kids is what holds the key for them to oblige to a responsible online life. You don’t want to turn them off the Internet completely, but you want them to be responsible and cautious about what they do or post online and especially who they engage with. Be the guide that they need in order to have a healthy and accountable online presence.

Check out Part 1 and Part 2 for more tips on keeping your children’s safety online.

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