Be Smart With Your Smart Homes

More and more people resort to the comfort of technology, which has led to the increase of smart homes. As these technological advancements promise an easier lifestyle, a great number of its users have unfortunately become too lax when it comes to security. With 73% of Aussies and 79% of Kiwis believing that their connected devices are at least moderately secure, this leads to no extra measures taken to secure their devices.

There have been countless reports about cyber crimes concerning smart homes, including attackers being able to bypass voice recognition checks, and even modifying smart locks inside these homes. Many users have disregarded this alarming information and are still putting online security as the least of their priorities.

To avoid any threats to your home, ensure that your devices and routers are extremely secure. Always change the default log in and password for your routers; creating a strong password is important to lessen the possibility of any hacking. Smart home owners should also always be aware of changes to their connected devices so they can configure accordingly. The best way to keep your smart devices safe from any form of online threats is through Trend Micro Home Network Security. It has full control of your network and smart devices, notifies you if there are any suspicious activities occurring and ensures that your home is protected from any risk.

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